Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) can be used to simulate flows in which combustion reactions occur. Combustion analyses are amongst the most demanding of CFD applications with: multiple chemical species, multiphase flow and particle tracking (depending on fuel type), chemical reactions, turbulent reacting flows, combustion models and the large corresponding complex release of heat.
A wide range of industrial analysis applications exist such as: combustors, engines, furnaces, burners and heaters. Combustion models can be defined with both single and multiple reaction steps during the combustion process. Typical objectives of these project analyses have been:
- Prediction of performance and optimisation.
- Calculation of the temperature fields and heat transfer rates (convection and radiation) resulting from combustion and design adjustments to improve uniformity.
- Visualisation of the ‘flame zone’ and predicted corresponding flow phenomena.
- Quantification of the resultant downstream pressure loss.
- Evaluation of mixed species distributions, composition and properties of the burnt mixture.
- Reacting flow analysis
- Combustion flow analysis
The market leading ANSYS CFD software tool is used by TriVista in modelling chemical reactions and the combustion of flows. This software includes: a large library of predefined chemical reactions; detailed chemistry tables; ignition models, pollutant formation models and many types of reacting combustion models plus various blends of these models that enable a vast array of fuel combustion to be simulated.
Clients have been supported by TriVista in CFD analyses across a wide range of industrial fields for instance: process plants, power generation, oil and gas, marine, defence, domestic appliances and automotive fields.
Our CFD software tools are well integrated with our FE analysis and engineering design tools to enable us to provide a more comprehensive service or a multi-physics analysis capability if required.
If you would like to know more please feel free to call or email (contact details below). Our friendly experienced engineers will be happy to advise you, without obligation. Alternatively, you may prefer to use our simple enquiry form.