From 1 November 2017, TriVista relocated to the Newhaven Enterprise centre located on Denton Island and adjacent to the Newhaven town centre. TriVista Engineering Limited started as a new company in the Sussex Innovation Centre located on the University of Sussex campus in December 2001 and were based there for the last 16 years. During this period, TriVista has been successfully established as engineering consulting business provided services to many clients nationally and abroad. Newhaven is a port town and a gateway to the continent. The Newhaven Enterprise Centre is a custom designed business centre and its harbour-side location is conveniently located for easy access by road, rail and by sea. The centre has modern business facilities including high speed broadband, serviced meeting rooms and free parking.
Our new location is:
TriVista Engineering Limited
Unit 53
Newhaven Enterprise Centre
Denton Island
East Sussex
United Kingdom
Our phone number also changed to 01273 615077 but all our email addresses and website address details remain the same.
The business centre on Denton Island is located adjacent to the Newhaven Enterprise Zone started in April 2017 that is a collaboration between Coast to Capital and Lewes District Council. The project has the objective of enabling the economic regeneration of Newhaven and moving the town to a higher value economy over the next 25 years. The main aims of this project are to create and refurbish 70,000m² of commercial floor space. Eight key sites have been identified in the town and this Enterprise Zone will focus on higher-end manufacturing encompassing the ‘Clean, Green & Marine’ sectors.
Nearby is also UTC@harbourside in Newhaven with a focus on engineering, the environment and in creating a sustainable future. UTC works with leading employers to give students who are motivated by science, maths and computing the real engineering skills and qualifications they need to succeed in the workplace, at university and beyond.