Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) can be used to accurately predict the behaviour of gases and fluids within almost any bounded volume, for example ducting, pipes, plenums, vessels, heat exchangers, HVAC systems, manifolds and exhausts across a diverse range of industrial fields.
CFD analysis provides comprehensive flow data therefore giving a significant advantage when it comes to quantifying performance or optimising a new design. Projects performed by TriVista cover a wide range of aerodynamic and hydrodynamic applications but typically have objectives such as:
- Pressure drop analysis – Quantifying or improving the pressure loss for a new complex geometry or system.
- Flow distribution analysis – Evaluation of flow or temperature distributions and improving uniformity.
- Flow distribution optimisation
- Flow feature visualisation – Visualisation of flow features for improved understanding of system flow phenomena.
- Quantifying product performance.
- Calculating heat transfer rates or temperature fields in heating or cooling flows.
- Evaluating and adjusting induced fluid dynamic forces (drag, lift and pitching moments).
- Identifying poor flow regions (e.g. separation) causing loss and reducing the effects.
- Minimising flow instabilities to reduce noise and vibration.
- Maximising flow rate or air change rates.
TriVista Engineering is a leading provider of CFD services to industry. Our engineering team routinely work with clients in providing realistic solutions of genuine commercial benefit.
We have supported clients in modelling internal flows across a wide range of industrial fields for instance: process plants, power generation, oil and gas, subsea systems, HVAC, marine, defence, water treatment, nuclear, medical equipment, domestic appliances and automotive.
TriVista uses the market leading ANSYS CFD suite of software tools that are well integrated with our FE analysis and engineering design tools to enable us to provide a more comprehensive service or a multi-physics analysis (e.g. coupled thermal stress analysis) capability if required.
If you would like to know more please feel free to call or email (contact details below). Our friendly experienced engineers will be happy to advise you, without obligation. Alternatively, you may prefer to use our simple enquiry form.